



智能O简介&米, a 数字OneWater solution which provides a powerful blending of 正规博彩十大网站排名’ water subject matter expertise in operations, 设计与数据科学, 帕兰提尔技术公司的 铸造 platform and user interface, to provide direct and predictive guidance to frontline O&米的员工.

Across industries — from manufacturing to mining to water treatment — plant operations are largely reactive. 在这些情况下, management is only alerted to issues when equipment malfunctions or reviews reveal underperformance. This creates dependencies on lagging performance indicators and a broader focus on troubleshooting, 而不是主动建模和操作. 决策者需要实时了解工厂的运营情况 领先的 性能指标,可以帮助他们在为时已晚之前优化性能.

When site staff operators in the field are bombarded with noisy Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems and information overload, 提炼出可操作的见解是非常困难的, 迫使运营商依赖于基于直觉的, 定性决策. Operators need innovative digital tools that make their lives simpler, not more complex. 他们需要为他们的日常工作流程定制的IT 在现场工作.

用帕兰提尔 铸造 platform and 正规博彩十大网站排名’ smart algorithms and wastewater process optimization tools such as 副本™, plant management and site staff are armed with the practical data science tools needed to conduct proactive, 数据驱动的操作, 最大限度地提高整个工厂的性能和成本节约.

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Palantir和正规博彩十大网站排名 |大规模优化工厂运营




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  • 将您的组织从被动转变为主动&米

    Predictive tools and algorithms that capture best practices empower your field staff to act ahead of the need.

  • 极大的效率和成本节约

    在多个站点的实际验证表明,节省了10-30%的电力, 化学品及维修管理.

  • O的广泛接受&米的员工

    技术采用可能具有挑战性,但用户界面使其变得简单. 这不是电脑屏幕上的另一个仪表盘, but a direct recommendation to field staff to their smart phones or tablets providing actionable insights and specific instructions throughout their shift.

  • 网络安全

    数据摄取, monitoring and user interfaces are all secured through Palantir’s industry-领先的 United States Department of 国防 Level 6 security features and connector protocols, 和“气隙”在用户层面.


  • 集成任何数据源(计算机化维护管理系统(CMMS)), 实验室信息管理系统(LIMS), SCADA, 金融, Excel, 现场仪表, 等.)
  • Leverages data science, mechanistic models, and procedural best practices for accurate predictions
  • 向目标工作人员提供简单、可行的建议
  • 用于广泛的用例,包括:电源, 化学物质, 维护计划和调度, 劳动, 可持续性, 网络安全, 法规遵从性
  • 快速部署需要几周,而不是几个月
  • 灵活的商业条款


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雅各布斯站在水务行业数字化转型的最前沿. Learn how we’re supporting our clients with integrated data solutions across the entire water cycle.



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